Raleigh gay sex club

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It should be noted that in reporting the story, WTVD shared a fun, lighthearted and creatively-produced video featuring members of the club as well as Sutton.īut sadly, Raleigh is not all fun and games and acceptance. “It’s a place for the whole community, where everybody just comes together and embraces everybody’s differences.” He’s one of the owners of The Green Monkey. “It’s not just a place for the LGBT,” Rusty Sutton told WTVD-TV. The Stonewall Run Club was established in 2017 for that purpose. The national non-profit sports organization was founded in 2010 to provide every athlete an inclusive, low-cost opportunity to take part in sports, without feeling uncomfortable and with the ability to be their true selves. Those two gay-friendly Raleigh businesses participate in an initiative started by Stonewall Sports. The club convenes at the Ugly Monkey sports bar at the same time on Tuesday nights. That’s not a punchline that’s what WTVD-TV reports actually happens twice a week, when members of the Stonewall Run Club gather at one of two Raleigh bars: tonight they’ll be at the Green Monkey cafe, craft beer and wine bar, as they do every Thursday at 6:30 p.m. A bunch of gay guys go into a bar in Raleigh, North Carolina and.

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